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Life by the Imperial Roads:

Roman Provincial Settlement Excavation and Survey

2014 Evaluation



Did the project staff provide you with enough information beforehand to organize your packing for and travel to the project?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          1          2          6          Average: 91%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants)


Was the pickup arrangement made prior to the project adequately seen to by project staff?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          0          0          9          Average: 100%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants)




  • I just looked for the beard

  • Tell people to bring towels

  • Towels…

  • I always bring a towel




Were the living accommodations provided by the project adequate for your needs?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          0          1          8          Average: 98%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants) 




  • I <3 Tante Leana 

  • Milika is a sweetheart!

  • Wish I had a mirror above the bathroom sink.




Were the meals provided by the project adequate for your needs?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          0          0          9          Average: 100%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants)




  • Perhaps too tasty. I may have gained weight.

  • Can I get a recipe book?

  • I also <3 sarmale.

  • Freaking love mici


General Logistics:


Did you encounter any problems with the accommodations, food or travel?


  • No 

  • NO

  • Not with Archaeotek

  • Yes

  • NO

  • No, except the well water…

  • No

  • No


If so, did you ask the project staff for assistance?


  • Yes


Was the project staff able to address your concerns to your satisfaction?


  • Yes

  • Yes!

  • Every time!!




Were the formal lectures presented informative and useful?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          0          2          7          Average: 96%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants)


Were the formal lectures presented interesting and engaging?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          1          1          7          Average: 93%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants)


Did you find the supplementary materials provided informative and useful?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          0          2          7          Average: 96%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants) 




  • I didn’t do the readings, but plan to eventually.

  • Uhhhh……! [and a drawing of a cap with a feather in it]

  • My dad liked the articles too.

  • I wish there were even more lectures and materials


Excavation and Survey:


Were the instructions provided by project staff in the field clear and helpful?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          1          1          7          Average: 93%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants) 


Did the project staff offer you a thorough theoretical understanding of the methods being employed?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          1          0          2          6          Average: 89%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants) 


Did your participation in the project offer new understandings of archaeological field methods?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          0          1          8          Average: 98%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants)


Did you feel actively engaged in all aspects of data collection in the field?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          1          0          8          Average: 96%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants)




  • You should mention up front what we’re looking for in trenches.  I think I easily destroyed 2 ft. of painted plaster before I knew it was a thing. 

  • I learned more here in the field than in three archaeology classes combined.

  • I’m a very hands-on person and I learned more about archaeology on this dig than I did in my theory classes.




Were the instructions provided by project staff in the lab clear and helpful?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          1          2          6          Average: 91%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants)


Do you feel you gained an understanding of the analytical methods employed (i.e. phosphate soil analysis, typological sorting of ceramics, etc.)?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          1          1          7          Average: 93%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants)


Did you feel actively engaged in all aspects of analysis in the lab?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          0          1          8          Average: 98%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants)




  • Did we do [type sorting]?

  • It was quite cramped @ times.




Did you feel overall intellectually engaged with your work?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          1          2          6         Average: 91%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants)


Was the project staff able to adequately answer all of your questions?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          0          0          9          Average: 100%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants)


Were your interactions with the Romanian staff informative and helpful?


                      Poor    1          2          3          4          5          Excellent

Evaluation:                0          0          0          0          9          Average: 100%

Evaluation participation: 9/13 (69% of participants)




  • I thought it was great to work w/ the Romanians and especially hear lectures by them in their areas of specialty- e.g. Alex and the prehistory lecture.

  • YAS

  • 10/10 I would follow Marius into battle.

  • Te ador Romanians!

  • Marius and Alex were freaking fantastic.


Overall Comments:


Please provide us with your thoughts on what you found most rewarding about your archaeological experience on the project:


  • We got a chance to do a little bit of everything - total station, lab work, even reenactment. Drew from a large scope of experiences in order to gain an understanding of culture.

  • Enjoyed working with students and staff. Digging!

  • Overall it was an incredible experience! We got along well which was awesome, and the staff were excellent.  I will return next year.

  • Bessie.

  • Interacting with locals and putting our finds in perspective by visiting local sites was highly rewarding.  Each experience drove home what we learned.


Other comments?


  • The weekend trips were great, thank you for those.  10/10 would recommend. POSEIDON BEARD

  • Several disagreements with data collection - surface collection in drastically varying vegetation level - wait, that’s it.

  • Thanks for a great dig!



September 19, 2023: Our 2024 Programs are in the process of being updated

We have learned a lot during the 2022-2023 season. As a result, we have acquired the necessary experience to be certain that our 2024 projects will happen. No matter the state of the pandemic, we have the knowledge and the logistics to get our participants where they need to go and run our programs safely! Also, the Ukraine-Russia War has no bearing whatsoever on Romania (except for the rise in the cost of fuel) and does not affect in any way the safety of our participants and staff.

August 28, 2023: Our 2023 Field and Lab Season has been an outstanding success, in spite of the Covid-19 pandemic and the Ukraine Conflict, the latter has shown it has no impact on Romania whatsoever.

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